Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

BBC Selectively Cuts Loach's Select Cuts

BBC's edits out film director's principles

1st January 2001

The BBC's consistently marketed boast to provide "impartial news and analysis" looked as shaky as ever when film maker Ken Loach appeared on Desert Island Discs on BBC Radio 4 in April 1999.

It has just emerged that he told presenter Sue Lawley how he had been offered an OBE but had turned it down on grounds of principle. The legendary film director elucidated all the reasons why he thought the royal awards had more to do with a corrupt system of cronyism than any justified acknowledgement of merit, and specifically requested that this part of the interview was broadcast. However, no small surprise that the ever partial BBC decided to leave the section on the cutting room floor.

Ken Loach is famous for directing some of the most powerful social-realism films ever made British cinema including Kes and Land and Freedom. He also directed the court room scenes in the underground documentary classic of the McLibel trial, Two Worlds Collide. A film Channel Four refused to broadcast.

Sue Lawley, on the other hand, was more than happy to receive her OBE in this year's New Year's Honour's list.